Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Lunch at Bunmahoney

Bunmahoney turned out to be a sort of ghost town, with almost everything closed apart from a village shop. Resourcefully, and with great panache, Jonathan, heading up ther team, putrchased bread, ham and cheese at this establishment, and had impromptu doorstep sandwiches awaiting his team mates as they rolled up.

Miraculously, the weather changed to soothing sunshne, and the wind fell away altogether. At this point the team mates had to confer and make the decision about whether to stick with the original plan to push on to Youghal, or if they should stop at an earlier point. The decision was reached to press ahead to the planned destination, and leave themselves the relatively short run to Cork for the final day. However, the Drum Hills, and some unexpected bursts of heavy rainfall caught them out in their optimism; meanwhile Al and Martin had forged ahead to see if they could arrange bed and breakfast in place of the rain sodden campsite.

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