Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Arrival in Cork

Team Minogue arrived in Cork at 3:32 pm this afternoon, having left Manchester at 8:32 am on Friday last week.

There were no misadventures en route other than the fact that Martin and Al got lost, and lost contact with the blokes, however, they all managed to get together for a terrific arrival at Cork University, being greeted by John Sodeau. There was champagne and sandwiches, and the team of post graduate students were there with the Cork University flag, and clapped them as they pedalled in. It was very touching as everyone hugged and embraced to celebrate their arrival.

There was a tour of the laboratory where Nick had worked, and John Sodeau spoke of Nick's work, and how what he had been doing was deeply unfashionable when Nick did it, but was now state-of-the-art and what everyone wants to do. How typical of Nick, somehow!

Now the cycling team are sitting outside in brilliant sunshine getting ready to hit the town. I hope Cork is ready for this!

In the accommodation (a sort of house for us all to stay) Asif has bagged the biggest bed! It is very comfortable, and tea and cakes were also provided to make us all feel very, very welcome and appreciated.


  1. You have all done brilliantly against everything that has been thrown at you; it is a wonderful testament to Nick and to your love for him. Go and enjoy all the pleasure and relaxation and fun that is due to you - what better place than Cork to do it. Special love to Martin and Ben.

  2. Brilliant that you all reached Cork in one piece (if not a little saddle sore)-I hope Cork is ready for the boys !!! You deserve a bit of relaxation after a huge effort in memory of Nick. Ruth (Gould)x
