Monday, 5 April 2010

Day Four

The cycling team are really suffering now. They had a wet cold night, and there are at least 3 requests for B&B accommodation in Wexford tonight, if that can be arranged, though some are determined to slog on and finish the tour as intended. [why does the word macho so insistently come to mind?] Asif woke up at 4:00am lying in a puddle of cold water; Dan, who seemed to be a bit under the weather with a cold yesterday was feeling better this morning. This could be good evidence for the restorative powers of the black stuff. However, most of the tents are leaking, and are increasingly difficult to re-pack and stow in the van. The chap's clothes are all damp too, but their teeth are gritted and their spirits remain good.

The little camping stove did heroic service this morning, pushed well into the back of the van because of the wind which kept threatening to snuff the burners. Two large pans of porridge were consumed as seconds were required, and coffee made. The teapot had mysteriously vanished en route (always hated that green teapot anyway) and the two packs of matches that were definitely packed at the outset had similarly absented themselves, but Al's lighter worked, though some scorched finger ends resulted. It was a cold, dismal start to the day for the cyclists, but by the time they meet up with Al and Martin at Arklow they will probably have warmed up.

John Sodeau has been in touch to confirm that arrangements are in hand to greet the team at the University in Cork. He was able to tell us that the accommodation is opposite the University, so there will be little further cycling for the exhausted team once they arrive.

Pictures will be posted when received. For those who have been following the blog, please be aware that it has been neccessary to go back and edit some earlier posts, making corections, additions and uploading photos.


  1. Hi everyone - have been out of internet contact and logged on as soon as I could on return. It is really good having the blogs to know how you are all doing. Your efforts sound heroic (especially Martin putting up a tent...) - well done all of you - and take care of yourselves. The little stories of small donations are very heartwarming.At least you are over halfway now.

  2. Brilliant reading - have followed all the blogs and love the stories of pain and wet pants !!! You all look very fetching in your lycra. You're all doing a brilliant job-just up your alcohol intake and the pains may go away. As I read out your tent struggles, my husband and 8 year old daughter both laugh out loud as they are seasoned campers!!
    Look forward to the tale of you meeting Nick's fellow mates at Cork. Ruth (Gould)

  3. so impressed with what you guys are doing. will be following your progress closely, and willing you all on to that last mile. go for it!!!
