Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Precipitation trepidation

This is now bidding to turn into a suspense movie as we daily eye the weather forecasts and turn pale at reports of snow, floods and evacuations along our trail in North Wales. Our first campsite has closed its waterlogged grounds, and we even begin to think of prospecting for B&B. We can't go by train because of the rail strike, but we are all determined to make it and are much enthused by the tributes and donations pouring in to Nick's Memorial.

1 comment:

  1. Thinking of you all Martin - B&B sounds like a good idea! Well done all of you, I can't begin to imagine how hard it'll be but you'll feel wonderful when it's done. Nick would be so proud. Asif, I'll be cheering you on silently in the Wicklow mountains. Sally M
