Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Behind every great man....

This is a shout out to the laydees. Thank you to the silent majority supporting the intrepid husbands, partners and dads. The partners of the cyclists have all contributed enormously to this event, by taking the slack at home with young babies and children, giving up weekends/evenings/holidays, and rubbing sore bums (thats the good bit). This event couldn't happen without them and as the run up to Friday begins, and the desperate realisation dawns that it is either the spare pair of socks or the puncture repair kit, the families deserve a special thought. So remember that while the menfolk plug away cycling hard, their compadres will be doing the same keeping the home fires burning.....
To all of you who have generously contributed your hard earned wonga to a vital and underfunded cause - thank you from us at home too.
Go crew Nick!

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